Karolína: I’d Like to Represent the Country at the Olympics in Tokyo
Rok 2020 je náročnější pro spoustu sportovních odvětví a samozřejmě i pro tenisty a tenistky. Také Karolína při plánování sezony řešila účast na turnajích i s ohledem na Letní olympijské hry.
The year 2020 is tougher for many sports disciplines and of course the same applies to tennis as well. When planning her schedule for the season Karolína was also considering her participation in tournaments with regards to the Summer Olympic Games.
“I’ve got the Olympics in my plans, I’d really love to go to Tokyo. If I’m healthy, I’ll represent my country. I’d love to experience the atmosphere at least once in my career and do my best for the medal, although the competition will be huge,” said the best Czech female tennis player.
It would be Kája’s first appearance at the Olympic Games. Four years ago she didn’t start in Rio. “I’m really happy I’ve worked my way up to this level and that I can promote our country, and not just at the Olympics. I know we are really proud of our sports performances in the Czech Republic,” she added.
Due to the Olympic tournament she also had to send out her apologies to the participants of her traditional tennis camp for children. “I’m sorry for that, but I wouldn’t be able to be there. But I’m glad I received many messages from kids and their parents expressing understanding. And this support energizes me.”
This year’s Olympic tournament will take place in Tokyo, where Karolína won one of her 16 WTA tournament titles back in 2018. And although it’s going to take place in Ariake Coliseum and not in Arena Tachikawa, Kája is looking forward to the event. “Of the Asian destinations, Tokyo is my favorite. I also like the Japanese cuisine. Plus I have quite a few fans there, so I’m also looking forward to meeting them.”
If possible, Karolína would like to start in doubles as well. “I’d like to play doubles too. I think there’s a chance for a medal there too. It would definitely be worth trying.”